Tuesday, January 7, 2014

17 Weeks

How far along? 17 weeks (as of 1/7/2014)
Maternity clothes? No maternity clothes yet, but definitely rocking the hair band tie for the jeans.  I did order two belly bands from Motherhood Maternity which should arrive next week.

Stretch marks? Not yet. Fingers crossed

Sleep: Off and on.  I never had a regular sleep before pregnancy so I'm not surprised by this.

Movement: Nope and I've googled the shit out of the earliest or what it feels like etc.

Food cravings: Not really.  My eating has vastly improved though.  I noticed a lot during the first trimester that eating was a chore and by the time dinner arrived, I couldn't fathom another bite.  Now I eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything in between.  I eat smaller portions spaced throughout the day so I don't pack on the pounds too quickly and keep myself and Pickles satisfied.  MEAT! I ate meat.  I had chicken parm for lunch one day.  I had steak the other night.  In fact, it was during the Polar Vortex (aka it was the coldest across the whole damn country it's EVER been) and Steve's best bud, Jake drove me and Steve to that little dive hole place and they were open! Satisfaction at it's finest!

Gender: Don't know yet.  Soon though!

Baby is: the size of a turnip, about 5 ounces.
Best moment this week: Driving through a snow storm with negative degree wind chill temperatures, and getting the most amazing steak, ever.

Looking forward to: (Still) Finding out the gender and feeling movement in the next couple of weeks! Today is our 3rd OB appointment.  Steve is able to go with me since he's off work, so that'll be a new experience.  Usually my mom goes.

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