Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Let the Naming War 2014 Begin

Ohemgee, my husband is stressing me out about this baby girl's name.  We had names picked.  Names picked for years.  Yes, we're the crazy people that talk names before even trying to conceive.  Weird. 

Samuel George - after both of our Grandfathers.  Both very important people in our lives that passed way before either of us were able to meet one another's hero.  I love my Pop. Goodness, it still brings tears to my eyes thinking of him.  I wish so much he could've been around for this little girl.  

Charlotte ?middle name - Steve LOVES the name Charlie for a little girl.  I have to agree that it has this cute ring to it.  But I feel very strongly that Charlie is a nick name.  An abbreviation of a name.  I would prefer our daughter to have a full name.  A name that I can scream at the top of my lungs when I hear that top stair creak as she tries to sneak out.  Or when she paints the dog, because she wanted to make it pretty.  A name that looks good on business cards and loan applications.  So I thought we had compromised and our darling would be name Charlotte and called Charlie.  My name is Samantha but other than official and in trouble situations I've only ever been called Sam.  It just fits to me.

The night of the gender reveal, I started to call her Charlie.  Steve seemed hesitant.  And last night I finally asked if he still like the name we had chosen.  He confessed that he is unsure.  So the name search started.  You know what's funny?  For years you've talked of names you like with your spouse.  Wrote some down and lost where you put it, thinking surely you'll remember these names, they're so special, so original!  But no, when the time comes, you can't think of all those fun, beautiful names. 


  1. I hope you guys can agree on one you both love soon! A little tip that MAY husband wasn't 100% on our girl's name either, but I just kept saying things to my belly- calling her (well him now that we know it's a boy- Sorry about that Elliot!) by the name saying things that had to do with her and my husband..yes it was manipulative, but I think it worked. ;-) Can't wait to hear what you guys decide!!!

  2. Oh LORD, don't get me started on the names...We also had all these awesome names picked out...and then I made the mistake of mentioning them to my mom - who promptly said something negative about each one, thus ruining my happy feelings about them. It all dissolved into this kind of intense awkwardness anytime we talked about the baby. It's all good in the hood now, but it was touch and go for a while there!

  3. You, my friend, are a genius. :) As suggested, I've continued to call this little girl smashing herself into my bladder by Charlie. And lately, every now and then, I notice that the husband will as well.

  4. Close friends and family know our decided name. But I've hesitated every time when an acquaintance has asked about names. Sometimes I don't say it at all. I just don't want to deal with the backlash. I fell in love with this name years ago and I treasure it. I don't want others opinions to tarnish my own.

  5. Yay!!!! Guys have heart strings you can play quite nicely ;-) Deep down I am sure he always loved the name, he just didn't know it 100% of the time. Yay for sweet Charlie!
