Monday, February 17, 2014

23 Weeks (in pictures)

Every Tuesday the husband helps me to take a bump picture.  And every Tuesday I have to search through the 10 bazillion pictures he snapped to find a half way decent one.  I thought it'd be funny to give you a taste of what I deal with.  So here are the outtakes of our photo session this morning, including the good one at the bottom.  Enjoy.

Also my dogs pose for pictures.  There were no treats involved or begs or pleas.  Both walked over and assumed the position.  haha Well Kimber immediately begged to be lifted and Bob just sat his pretty self down like it ain't no thang.

23 week bump (1)


23 week bump (2)

23 week bump (3)

and finally. A good one.  Mind you there were at least 6 other photos I haven't put in this post.  You're welcome.

23 week bump (4)


  1. I feel the same way . I usually only get one usable picture while the rest are blurry ....

  2. My jack russell poses for pictures like she is a's outrageous. I think it's because I got her in college and my roommate and I took way too many pictures with her silly self.

  3. Aww, love the last one, such a cute family portrait ;-) You look great BTW!
