Saturday, October 4, 2014

Charlie 4 Months

During month 4, Charlie was up to; 

- Sleeps 12 hours at night on the weekends.  Weeknights its 7 pm to 5:45ish am, when Daddy gets her up and ready to go to Aunt Sara's house. 

   Ms C is down by 7 almost every single night.  If she gets to bed later than that, she usually wakes up in the middle of the night.  She has her bath at 6:30, followed by a bedtime nursing session with mama and then off to sleep. I am constantly amazed at how wonderfully easy this baby is.  I don't need to rock her, I don't need to sing or pat her butt.  She drifts off on her own.  The only conflict is that this routine is more of a set in stone type of thing than a guideline.  Baby girl will let you know when it's time for bath and she will demand immediate action.  
- Wearing 3-6 months clothes size 2 diapers
- Got her first cold! Poor girl lost her "voice" so her coo's and cries were more like frog croaks. Doctor appointment confirmed a viral infection. Thankfully she was on the mend quite quickly.
- At the doctor appointment she was 23.5 height and 11lbs 9 ounces.  Her 4 month appointment isn't until Oct 23rd when she'll be almost 5 months.
- Perfected her pout face and do really well sticking that lower lip out! It's often put away too quickly for mama to snap a photo for evidence.  I'm sure I'll have plenty more opportunities in the future 
- Loves watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse & Peppa the Pig
- First giggles occurred for Ma & Aunt Sara. Mama got to hear a few short giggles one evening but daddy is still anxiously awaiting.  

- Can roll side to side.  Haven't officially rolled from back to stomach yet or vice versa.  
- Through the night she usually turns an almost complete 180 degrees from where she was originally placed. And loses the covers almost immediately.  
- Exclusively fed breast milk.  She will take 4 bottles of 4 ounces during the day and nurses for me twice at night
- The pooping strike continued through month four.  She seemed to only be pooping once a week.  And when she did, it tended to be explosive and 2-3 diaper changes in a row.  There was never any hard tummy or crankiness on her part for it though.  
- Doesn't care for crowds.  Mama and Aunt Sara went to a large Consignment kids sale and I wore Charlie.  She did okay at first but as the crowd got bigger and the room got warmer, she was not having any of it.  Complete meltdown.  As soon as we were outside of the building, she settled almost immediately.  
- Just a little bit of cradle cap.  Solved pretty quickly with some baby oil and a little brushing of the scalp. 
- Grabbing at items more and more.  She has taken an interest in grabbing at my shirt or straps while nursing.  She likes to touch our faces and reach for anything she can get in her mouth.  
- Teething! The process is definitely started.  She gums whatever she can get into her mouth.  We've had a few nights of serious crying in pain incidents and she gets a little Tylenol to help. 
- Got her jumper from Toys R Us.  Although she is definitely interested in being able to stand up on her own and play with the items in front of her, the whole jumping concept isn't quite there yet.  She isn't tall enough to push her feet off the bottom yet.  
- For bottles, this month we discovered that Charlie does not like Dr Brown's bottles or the Tommee Tippee bottles.  Both that I bought specifically for her acid reflux troubles.  Also the more expensive brands, so mama is minorly thankful those are off the list of purchases.  She does prefer the Advent Air bottles.  Also marked for reflux.  She doesn't seem to choke and gag herself with these bottles like she did with the others.  And yes, my darling girl purposely gags herself.  She is definitely my kid.  Although she only gags when I give her a bottle, I'm sure because she knows I've got the goods in a better package. 

Month One through Month Four 

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