- No more slouching. Who knew? Once that bump got it's own zip code it was all bets off on poor posture. Leaning forward for too long or slouching in the slightest can cause anything from pain to acid reflex reactions.
- Pedicures done by yourself are a thing of the past. I hate having my feet looking like a hot mess but I also don't have the funds to pay someone else to give me pretty toes. Also, painting my finger nails is difficult anywhere but at the dining room table. Again, related to the leaning, slouching thing.
- Exhausted. I expected this to happen but I wasn't entirely aware of just how much this would happen or to what degree. I am exhausted a lot. An 8 hour work day is just too much some times.
[Edited and posted VERY late. This post was stuck in drafts and obviously never finished]
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