I can tell that my ambition to complete these things and even take pictures is dwindling down to very very little! I hope I can keep it up for the rest of the pregnancy because already I love looking back at past updates.
Gender: GIRL
Maternity clothes? Oh man. This is bad. I have very few clothing options these days.
Stretch marks? There is one. It goes the whole way across the belly horizontal beneath the boobs.
Sleep: I broke down and purchased the Bump Nest pillow. It just arrived yesterday and the first night with it I was semi impressed. It's definitely way easier than rearranging 5 pillows every time I flip flop back and forth. Definitely great for the pillow between the legs, and support for the belly. It's soft and beautiful. But there wasn't much support for the boobs. I think I just need to play with it a little more or maybe put one pillow beneath me there. Definitely have increased the pee breaks to twice a night.
Movement: Yes. Some days a lot more than others. She's currently hanging out like a horseshoe. With her feet to the left side and her head on my right side. This worries me and I hope she turns eventually. Still the same. I want to note that she's way more active in the earlier mornings, like when I drive to work or sitting at my desk and then again in the evenings.
Food cravings: Oh holy moly. I should've kept my mouth shut about that havetohaveitrightnow kind of cravings. Because they're here and they're real and my goodness. It just hits you, like bam, now. I don't always give in because realistically I can't. Currently? Craving the pizza from a local shop when I was attending WVU. Sigh. Not happening. But a girl can dream. Also ice water. Love it, drink almost a gallon a day. And lemonade, oh I love me some lemonade but the heart burn is ridic so I don't indulge too much.
What I Miss? Tanning. Sunshine. Sex. Cuddling with my husband in a comfortable fashion.
Symptoms? Pregnant! So all of the above. Pelvic pain at night if I stay in one position too long. I go to roll over, difficult enough but then you add in this horrible pain in the nether region. Acid reflux has kind of backed off a bit. Still have heartburn but not as often either. The expanding uterus/rib pain I've mentioned before comes and goes. Swelling. Lord have mercy my calves and feet swell up like balloons. I try to keep them elevated, I try to walk every hour - ugh. I hate it. Still taking Zofran twice a day for nausea.
Nursery Progress: We just about finished the room. By golly the girl has a light/fan, plugs and light switches and they all WORK! YAY! I still need to get my dresser from my parents house along with finishing items off the registry. This is giving me some major anxiety because I'm already uncomfortable. I fear putting off the above items for too long will just be a disaster waiting to happen.
Best Moment this Week: Someone at the grocery store actually took notice that I was pregnant. Normally this creeps me out and I've been pretty fortunate that no strangers have approached me or asked yet. The majority of the time this thrills me because I don't want to be just the pregnant lady. But at the same time, I"m 33 weeks pregnant I was sure some retard would notice by now and same something crude. Anything. Give me some rudeness people! Everyone warned me about the comments and I haven't gotten squat. And I've been practicing my comebacks!
Looking forward to: Finished the items on the registry. This includes buying the car seat... pretty important haha Nothing like procrastination.
Hahaha, I have also been waiting for some stranger to say something cause really nothing has come up. It makes you wonder if people think you just have a horrible hernia or something.
ReplyDeleteI'm like...a pregnancy commentator magnet...All my coworkers enjoy saying things like, "Clawson, you ain't had that baby yet?!" or "You aren't gonna make it until the end of school..." (which, good lord, I'm due June 30th, so let's hope he doesn't come anytime in the near future!) And don't even get me started on the strangers...although I find that they usually have more tact than people who know me. Go figure.