The realities of 36 weeks is that I have no ambition to make this organized or pretty. Down the road, my OCD self will be really pissed at my lazy, pregnant self but it is what it is. Allow me to introduce my thoughts via bulletin points, chaotic style.
> Swelling. Holy heck batman! Waist down I'm swollen like a balloon. I had a tiny fear that it was weight gain at one point but my midwife assured me I'm just very swollen and retaining a lot of water. The swollen feet suck but I can deal with that. It's the swollen thighs and knees (not that they could be called knees anymore) are the biggest issue. As if it isn't hard enough to climb in and out of bed, my car or even sit down to pee, lets add a whole 'nother level of discomfort there. I have done everything they've told me to do. I take B6 at night. I get up and walk as much as I can, but lets face it, when you have these legs, walking is a trial. I put my feet up etc. Nothing is doing the trick. We're to the point that I dropped even more money on maxi skirts because I can't fit into pants. Not even maternity pants. They won't go over the calves.
> I've said for a long time that I didn't think I'd go past 38 weeks. In reality, I figured I was fooling myself but my gut just kept telling me 38 weeks. Now that I'm 36 weeks and 38 is only two weeks away, I'm minorly freaking out about it. I do not have the room finished. There are no bags packed. I haven't even gone to pick up all the little travel size shampoo etc items I need FOR the bags.
> Plan on attending a breastfeeding class June 5th. Have yet to remember to register for it. I'm rocking the awesome.
> My temp at work started last week and she's lovely. Absolutely wonderful. She's a quick learner and I feel a lot more confident to leave whenever the time comes. Speaking of that, I'm thinking I will give a final day of June 6th. A solid week before my due date.
> OB appointment on Monday was interesting. For one the day started out badly. I was extremely swollen (I'd say this is when the swollen knees/thigh issues began) and had a frustrating interaction with a coworker just before leaving to go to my appointment. We waited for a long time at the OB, the room was extremely hot. So hot that I felt like I was melting to the table. So I had the swelling issues and an abnormally high blood pressure. 180 over something I believe. My midwife took my blood pressure again at the end of the appointment and it had come down to 130. She wasn't freaking out about it but she did ask that I have a non stress test done either right then or later in the week. I opted for later in the week because I was over it, done, put a fork in me by that point. So today I have my non stress test. I have this nagging suspicion that she may recommend bed rest. Or maybe that's my subconscious making wishes because I know that I won't let myself just stop working if there's no sign of Charlie.
> Also at the OB appointment I got the lovely Group Strep B test. Ladies... Its not that bad. It's seriously a cotton q-tip swab of your vajayjay and ass hole. Literally. But its over in seconds. Secondly she asked if I wanted a cervix check since I was still a little early, she gave me an option. I opted to find out. I'm already sitting there sweating myself to death and exposed for the world to see - why the heck not. Cervix checks, not that bad either. Slightly uncomfortable and make sure you don't have to pee. I'm not kidding, if you think there's a slight chance of needing to pee, walk your half naked self to the restroom before they do a cervix check. Lucky for me there was some gain for my pain - dilated a tight 1 cm and 50% effaced! And now that I've bragged... I'll be overdue. lol
> My husband decided to have what he calls our "annual" Memorial Day picnic this year. Mind you, last year was the first time we did it. I emphasized that I'm sure people would understand us not having the picnic considering his wife is a waddling walrus right now. He insists I don't have to do a thing.... so not a thing I have done. Kiss this pregnant ass :) Please don't let me go into labor while these idiots are getting drunk at my house.
I personally am liking the bullet point blogs myself lately...sometimes it's just a necessary thing. I'm roughly a week and a 1/2 behind you and have pretty much nothing ready either...and I don't see myself getting any extreme bouts of "lets get this done energy" any time's getting me a little peeved- at myself, my husband and the world- cause it's the world's fault and all. I appreciate the heads up on the strep B (wondered about that) and also cervix checks- I want to be one of those women who has her normal weekly appt and the Dr is like "Whoa, you are dilated 5 cms.." and not have felt a's to hoping. Best of luck for the remainder- I hope she comes on the early side for you!!!
ReplyDeleteAgree, agree, agree - its the world's fault! lmao
ReplyDeleteI'm with y'all, I keep waiting for like...some nesting to hit. I felt more ready to do shit when he was the size of a poppy seed. Now that we have reached melon sizes (and now that it is summer break for this teacher!), I'm lucky if I put on a bra...or pants...or really, clothes in general. Because nothing fits because I'm fat.
ReplyDeleteSO ANYWAYSSSSSSS, you are SO CLOSE and the finish line is right there and you are beautiful and all that other inspirational stuff friends are supposed to say to each other <3
Let me know if your breastfeeding class was worth going to! I was debating going to one, but I'm only 35 weeks and some change, so I have some time (knock on wood).