Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Charlie 5 Months

I can't believe this little girl has been with us for only 5 months. It seems odd, but the life before her is slightly forgotten.  Mostly forgotten, I guess.  Every now and then I yearn to be able to run errands alone or sleep in beyond 5 am without leaky boobs, but I wouldn't trade what we have for the world.  

So at 5 months Charlie is changing so much and every day.  Below is her 5 month bullet points

- Rolling over! At 4 months 1 week, she rolled over back to stomach! For a few weeks she's gotten so far but couldn't get her arm out from under her.  But on October 12th she finally got the whole way.

- Loves to blow raspberries.  She's so impressed with herself when she realizes the noise is her own. 
- Started Zantac twice a day.  The probiotic daily just wasn't cutting it.  Major improvement with the spit up.  
- Definitely uses her thumb a lot more for self soothing. In month 4 it was mainly when she went to sleep for the night. But now it's when she's upset in the car seat, her jumper, etc
- Still sleeping through the night. There was a small two week period that she chose to wake up at 2 am and threw mommy's whole schedule off balance. The majority of the time though she seems to be able to put herself back to sleep. Slept one night on the belly after she had rolled over in her sleep. Usually she's a side or back sleeper like mom and dad.
- Reaching, grabbing and holding has improved.
- Hate your car seat. Except in the mornings with daddy. Otherwise you fuss and get mad.
- Still breastfeeding but we've started to introduce solids. Mainly because she stole a French fry from mamas plate, devouring it before I even realized what happened. So she's had one french fry, oatmeal with b-milk and applesauce mixed together, banana mum mum's, sweet potato puffs
- This month Charlie decided she didn't care much for the right side anymore.  Poor righty.  She will nurse on the right for 3-5 minutes at most and then get so distracted she wouldn't latch back on.  So I would switch her to the left and she'll nurse like a champ for 15-20 minutes

- Trying so hard to sit up. She does what mama likes to call baby Pilates. She'll hold her head up and legs up, working those ab muscles like crazy.
- Bath time is still her favorite. It's amazing the transformation bath time does to her mood. She especially love when we wash the hair and run the water over her head. Daddy is still the primarily bath giver.
- Speaking of daddy, my goodness the love these two have for each other.  She smiles so big any time he comes into the room. And he melts.
- This month she has definitely started to react to us more. When I pick her up at daycare or when daddy's comes home from work, her face lights up.
- Distracted nursing. I could do with out this. She pops on and off because she can't handle not seeing every single thing going on. And if daddy's in the room? Forget it, she's done with mama.  
- Wearing size 3 diapers.... There was several days of blow outs and mama finally declared it was time. I may or may not have cried a little bit.
- Wearing 3-6 months or 6 months clothing. It depends on the brand.
- At Charlie's 4 month appointment on Oct 23rd she was 24 1/2 inches long and 12 pounds 13 ounces.

I'm not sure how, but I made a GIF..... ha! It cracks me up.

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