It's funny how the world will send you little messages. This morning, as we were taking our weekly bump picture my husband asked how much longer we were going to take these pictures for. I said, until the end. And went on to tell him how I try to document as much as I can about this pregnancy each week via the blog. I explained that not only is it something cool for Charlie to have in the future but it'll also be useful for me should we get pregnant again.
This morning, as I was clicking through my blog roll on Bloglovin' I came across another mommy blog, who's most recent post was titled " "Embracing my blog as a gift for my children." It's truly a good read and so far, I've decided that I really like her blog.
I love the idea of writing for my kids, my grandchildren. I'm a hopeless romantic and treasure the idea of my grandchildren discovering my old writings up in the attic some day. Leaving a piece of my personality behind from different stages of my life. Writing down memories that a lot of people may not remember or even think to recite, but years down the road, it'll be cool to look back on.
I researched this further. I realized that these words we all write down will do no good if they're not somewhere to be found later by these grandchildren I speak of. Introducing printing your blog to a book. How cool?
That is an awesome site--thanks for sharing!! I feel exactly the same way about why I'm writing my blog and what I want it to mean to my little one. :)