Gender: GIRL
Maternity clothes? This is the same. I can still wear my regular jeans with the hair band and the tummy sleeve. Although I notice that I have to rely a lot more on the tummy sleeve to cover up my unzipped zipper. Lately though, I've noticed my available shirts to wear are dwindling down. My favorite WVU sweatshirt just barely fits on over the belly so I'm getting as much wear out of it as I can. But I am definitely going to have to invest in a few more summer oriented tops for the next three months.
Stretch marks? Never to fear Mrs. Clawson! They are definitely popping up. lol I have a few, mostly on top near the boob region and all horizontal. Which I still find odd. I had this preconceived notion that stretch marks were vertical. Perhaps those are to come.
Sleep: I have no pattern here whatsoever. Some nights I sleep straight through. Other nights I'm up down all night, whether to pee or just move. I try so hard to sleep on my side but usually that wakes me up with pain in the ab area.. or what use to be known as the ab area. I've also started sleeping with a pillow under my legs to help with swelling and this is throwing me off my game even more. I've reached a point in the pregnancy that I'm all like don'tevertouchmeagaingrowl. lol Husband is not a fan.
Movement: Yes. Some days a lot more than others. On the days she isn't as active I'm poking and prodding to get her moving. I've gone from being completely freaked out about her movement and my belly rolling to fascinated by it. It still gives me the willies a little. Especially when I sit down to pee. Too weird.
Food cravings: Strawberries. I want strawberries so badly. And thankfully strawberry season is finally upon us. Loving it. Also enjoyed a hamburger on the grill this week. I'm not big on a lot of red meat but for some reason I needed that hamburger.
What I Miss? Tanning.
Symptoms? Pregnant! So all of the above. Definitely experiencing acid reflux in the middle of the night randomly, but especially any time I bend to do anything. Tying my shoes or even putting shoes on that I can't just slip on is awful. Also experiencing swelling in the legs and feet starting this week. To the point that the cowboy boots weren't working anymore. I got lucky and purchased my first pair of Sperry's on sale at Macy's and I'm in love. They stretch with my swollen feet but they also contour back when my feet aren't so swelled. The fingers and wrists are also swelling but not nearly as often as the feet. I really don't want to go without my wedding rings. I love them. In fact, this has prompted me to post the story of how my engagement ring was found. Also my husband and I designed my wedding band. And even now, almost two years later, I can't stop looking at it.
Best moment this week: I highly doubt any one else would mark their Glucose test as a high light of the week, but after the trouble I had to go get it done, I was thankful that the second try worked out. The drink was nothing like I thought it was be, simply a flat orange soda.
Looking forward to: Finishing the nursery... getting closerrrrrrr
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