And this week in pictures...
Kimber and Charlie sharing mommy's lap. Let's hope they share this well in a few months
Cookies and milk, mmmm.
Baby shower prep, the belly catching all my hole punching
The diaper stash
How far along? 27 (as of 3/18/2013)
Turned 27 years old on 3/17 and hit 27 weeks on 3/18.
Gender: GIRL
Maternity clothes? Hm. Can any one zip their jeans up at all? No? Good - I don't feel like I'm the only one partially naked.. Thank goodness for the tummy sleeve covering me up!
Stretch marks? I keep waiting for these to appear. My husband insists that I don't look all that pregnant. The only real mark I have is on the top of my stomach going horizontal across. It's the oddest thing. But maybe in my mind I'm assuming stretch marks only go vertical?
Sleep: There was a time, not so long ago I couldn't figure out what these women were talking about having trouble sleeping. I was a fool. For the most part I'm up at least twice a night. Whether I actually convince myself to crawl out of bed to go pee or not during those times is another story. But I'm awake a lot more during the nights through this past week than I have been through out the entire pregnancy.
Movement: Yes. It feels a lot more active this past week. Not just when I'm sitting or laying down but rather random moments throughout the day. Definitely a lot more activity
Food cravings: Strawberries. I want strawberries so badly.
What I Miss? Tanning.
Symptoms? Pregnant! So all of the above. Last night the strangest thing happened, I woke up in a coughing fit and the back of my throw was on fire. The best guess I have is that stomach acid came up and choked me in my sleep, because that's what it felt like. Otherwise, everything else is pretty consistent.