Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Charlie 12 Months

Oh little girl, mama is so very, very behind on this update.  In fact in a few days, you'll be 13 months

Baby Notes 12 months
- Charlie has mastered the concept of using the fork or spoon to get food in her mouth. Her technique needs some adjusting (smirk)
- cranky this month. We are pretty sure you're teething but no teeth have popped through the gums yet. 
- transitioning to whole milk. On 5/18 we started with sippy cups instead of bottles and 2 ounces whole milk to 4 ounces formula. The sippy cup we are using is the Nuk 9+ months one. It still has the silicone nipple for you to adjust. Eventually we will move onto the hard tips completely.
- learning to mimick people. She likes to do what you do as far as gestures. She's learned to shake her head no, but I don't think she fully understands that one.
- restless sleeping. Between what seems to be sinus issues and teething you're up and down every night. And we have a heck of a time getting you to go to sleep at night. As soon as mommy stops rocking and places her in her crib she pops awake
- first ear infection this month
- 20 lbs 8 ounces

We celebrated your first birthday at a fantastic party this year.  We combined our "annual" Memorial Day picnic with your birthday as all the same people would be invited anyways. 

And on the night of your actual birthday, I rocked you to sleep just as I would any other night.  But it seemed so surreal to be in that moment with you. A whole year later.  To think back to that first night I held you as the sun went down.  I changed your first, very gross, tar like diaper by myself while your daddy slept.  How the hospital bed moved every 15 seconds and I got no sleep whatsoever because of a dang bed, not a newborn baby.  It's incredible that we're here, in this moment so soon.  

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