So as we roll into the next stage of the game, these are the things of Charlie's life at 9 months.
- She still isn't crawling :( Only backwards. But she does like to roll herself anywhere she wants to go.
- Although she's been able to sit by herself for a little while now, we've just started letting her sit up by herself in the bathtub. It's still a bit slippy but she does very well.
- Bath time has also taken on a whole new meaning for Charlie. She's discovered the art of splashing water. She'll take her hands and smack down into the water but she also loves to kick her feet. Occasionally this results in some bumped head moments as she topples over, but she's learning. Thankfully daddy still does bath time duty so mom stays dry.
- Charlie has discovered her tongue. In a way. She doesn't stick it out all the way out, but more of a lizard type tongue. It seems like she does it all the time now for no real reason. But it's adorable and we love it.
- The Queen wave hasn't stopped. Sometimes she does with both hands, sometimes just one. But she's started to follow somebody's lead. So if mommy waves to daddy then she'll wave too. Most of the time she's stubborn about it, but she seems to certainly know how to do it if she wants.
- Charlie got 4 teeth on the top of this month! FOUR. In a row. As of 9 months, there are 4 teeth in a row on the bottom and 4 teeth in a row on the top. The top four are still making their way in, but they're half way there, so we figure it's enough to count! We can already tell that your going to have your mama's front gap. Time to start saving for those braces!
- Eating is all over the place. She use to be such a routine baby. Clock work really. But this month, between sickness, teething etc. it's been just whatever works. Usually Charlie will have 4-5 bottles of formula a day, a yogurt in the morning, 1-2 jars of baby food at lunch, 1-2 jars of baby food at dinner. Puffs all day, every day. This is your first full month on strictly formula. Other than a flare in your Eczema on your elbows, knees and hands there hasn't been any issues with the formula, thank goodness.
- Sleeping is a bit of a troublesome thing. We use to nurse while rocking to sleep. Since switching to bottles/formula, she still does let me feed/rock to sleep, however, this month she doesn't fall asleep as she drinks the bottle. So I'm putting her to bed wide awake. She'll sometimes fuss and throw a fit before she finds the thumb and fall asleep. Other times I think we will have a fight and Charlie rolls right to her side as soon as I lay her down and she's out. This month hasn't been good for sleeping through the night either. First Charlie was pretty sick and woke several times through the night for a week. But even after the sickness was over, she's still waking once a night. It's not every night, but it's often enough to have me curious what's going on. Usually she takes a bottle and she's right back to bed. Also, thanks to formula feeding, mama can nudge daddy and let him take a turn! Not to mention the weekend mornings when daddy takes baby and mama can sleep in. Glorious!
- Charlie moved into a convertible car seat this month. Big girl status, right here! We still have her rear facing in the vehicles we're able to. If she meets the weight at her 9 month appointment, we'll probably turn the car seat forward facing. She is miserable rear facing and just wants to see. Or at least that's what I tell myself while she screams on the car ride home
- Wearing 6 month onesies, 6 month, 6-9 month sleepers, 6-12 month leggings, 9 month pants.
- Still in size 3 disposable diapers.
- Still on Zantac twice and day. We aren't sure if we want to start phasing this out yet or not. I'm sure come her one year appointment that subject will be brought up by the doctor.
- I was reading through some past monthly updates and realized that somewhere along the way her bedtime routine moved up by an hour? We had started out at 7:30 bath time, but for the past several months we've done 6:30 bath time, followed by a book (if she's in the mood), bottle and bed.
- At her 9 month well visit ( a week after she turned 9 months) she weighed in at 16lbs 14oz. Her height is 27 1/4" .
- Also at her well visit, Charlie had her iron levels tested and they were low. So we are starting up a vitamin supplement with iron. The same vitamin will also include fluoride as requested by mama so we can get to working on those 8 teeth!
- Becoming incredibly difficult to take pictures sitting still. :)
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