Gender: GIRL
Maternity clothes? [Same] This is the same. I can still wear my regular jeans with the hair band and the tummy sleeve. Although I notice that I have to rely a lot more on the tummy sleeve to cover up my unzipped zipper. Lately though, I've noticed my available shirts to wear are dwindling down. My favorite WVU sweatshirt just barely fits on over the belly so I'm getting as much wear out of it as I can. But I am definitely going to have to invest in a few more summer oriented tops for the next three months.
Stretch marks? I have a few, mostly on top near the boob region and all horizontal.
Sleep: [Same] I have no pattern here whatsoever. Some nights I sleep straight through. Other nights I'm up down all night, whether to pee or just move. I try so hard to sleep on my side but usually that wakes me up with pain in the ab area.. or what use to be known as the ab area. I've also started sleeping with a pillow under my legs to help with swelling and this is throwing me off my game even more. I've reached a point in the pregnancy that I'm all like don'tevertouchmeagaingrowl. lol Husband is not a fan.
Movement: Yes. Some days a lot more than others. On the days she isn't as active I'm poking and prodding to get her moving. I've gone from being completely freaked out about her movement and my belly rolling to fascinated by it. It still gives me the willies a little. Especially when I sit down to pee. Too weird.
Food cravings: Nothing specific. For whatever reason the nausea has been pretty consistent this past week even with the Zofran. So no big cravings. Still loving cookies and milk and definitely trying to increase my milk intake.
What I Miss? Tanning.
Symptoms? Pregnant! So all of the above. Acid reflux when I bend over. Swelling in the hands and feet, though mostly the feet. At my midwife appointment yesterday she suggested that I take a B6 daily to help with the swelling. Her comment was that it couldn't hurt but it could help?
Best moment this week: EEEKKKK the nursery. Oh my gosh, the nursery. Definitely not finished but I'll be posting pictures right after this post of progress thus far. I'm pretty sure I passed my Glucose test? I say pretty sure because nobody called. No one really said much of anything. The nurse shrugged it off and said if I hadn't heard anything that she's sure I passed. Well okay then! lol
Looking forward to: Finishing the nursery... getting closerrrrrrr. Just need to get the electric done and the fan installed. Holy crap! Our shower is coming up soon and I'm so ready to have it done and over with. I'm so awkward at those type of events, even when I'm just a guest. Also I booked out maternity pictures and I'll get to sit down with my photographer concerning the labor and delivery pictures. Super excited for these. And hoping we get some sunshine soon so I'm not so pale.
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