Friday, February 21, 2014


- I was able to get on the pre sale yesterday and order my tickets for Jason Aldean, Miranda Lambert and Florida Georgia Line.  Best moment of this week.  There's a good chance I won't actually make the concert depending on when Miss Charlie decides to grace us with her presence.  I'm due June 17th and the concert is July 26th.  I may be stretching myself too thin, but I figured worst case scenario I sell the tickets and make my money back if not more.  But man, I'd love to be at that concert.  And I don't feel like a bad mom for saying that.  My husband hit the nail on the head when he said that its something that would be normal for me without the pregnancy.  I love concerts, love love love them.  And going to a concert amongst this MAJOR change to our life, would give me a sense of what was normal.

- I feel huge.  Just huge I tell you.  Some days are a bit better than others.  But those days that she's all stretched out and I haven't pooped in days - I feel massive.

- Pooping.  Olympic sport.  TMI, yes.  Necessary to document so I remember later, down the road to take my damn probiotics EVERY.SINGLE.DAY = completely necessary.

- I just want the nursery DONE.  So freakin' bad.  We are waiting on wood for the floors.  And it feels like time is dragging.  The empty room stares are me every time I walk out of our bedroom.

- Got my annual bonus and I can officially say, that I'll be able to take off all 12 weeks for maternity leave.  And that is a HUGE weight off my shoulders.


  1. I WOULD BE ALL OVER THAT CONCERT. I already have my parents on lock to babysit for a day in October. I graduated from the University of Alabama and am a RABID fan and my husband graduated from Texas A&M, so we have a pretty good rivalry going. This year, the game is in Alabama...which is where my parents happen to be...haha, Raylan isn't even here yet, and I've already planned to ditch my poor child for a football game. Eh. My parents definitely aren't complaining. haha

    Also, what is this pooping thing you speak of? It sounds delightful, I wish I could experience it. #pregnantpeopleprobz

  2. I just literally laughed out loud so hard at the poop comment! Lol

  3. I know it's super annoying when people off advice for "things to make you go poop" (I'm saying this to the tune of "things that make you go...hmmm" btw..very important to know this ;-)) BUT one thing that has worked for me is drinking a small glass of prune juice before bed, took a couple days but it worked and worked pretty much daily after that. Best of luck!!! I feel ya, no poops makes big, bigger!
