Where I left off was telling immediate family. I had always had strong feelings about waiting until you were out of the first trimester to share the news with others. It just so happens that I suck at that. I won't say that I went blabbing to every Frank and Tom around town, but at random times, I would blurb it out. Several occasions that I could've kept my mouth shut and fibbed, I would have word vomit, the word pregnant falling from my lips. I think secretly I was looking for the excitement that I got for everyone else when they announced their pregnancy. And a time or two I did get some happy responses, but I fear that I always set myself up for disappointment. I was the same way wedding dress shopping and our wedding day. I expected this Hollywood movie scene and it's really nothing like that.
Anyways, the play by play
Weeks 5 1/2 to 11 were hell. There is no sugar coating that. I started with morning sickness that literally should be renamed all-the-fucking-time sickness. I'd be throwing up or dry heaving from the time I woke up and until I went to bed. Initially I tried several home remedies (honey nut cheerios dry, pretzels, crackers, ginger ale, etc) The nurse suggested I tried half of a Unisom and 50 mg of B6 vitamin morning and night. The combination did wonders for me through the night but didn't do much during the day. I wore some sexy "sea bands" all day, every day with little results. Luckily at my first OB appointment my sweet Midwife said the magically words prescription. And I haven't looked back since. It's been blessed since around 11 weeks hit and the Zofran is fully in my system.
Food Aversions: Meat. Any meat, all meat, cooked, raw etc. I can occasionally trick myself with some Chinese food. Clearly I need to start looking into some Vegetarian menus as much as that disappoints me.
What do I like? Honestly I can't say anything for sure. I'm sick of the things I've been eating for the past two months. I feel as though I don't like anything at all. But I keep to the items that don't instantly make me want to vomit. If I think about it and my stomach doesn't turn, I try to eat it. If I don't actually get sick from said item, it goes on the safe list. Possibly to be removed at a later date. I've decided this child takes after his/her father. Husband can't stand to eat the same things over and over again. Where as I am a creature of habit and would eat the same thing for lunch every day, no problem. Now a days? My old method doesn't work so awesome. I will fully admit that ham sandwiches with ranch Doritos are amazing and I know if other pregnant women saw this, they'd stone me to death. But bite me. It tastes good, it stays down and I don't gorge myself on them 3 days a day. It's an occasional treat.
Acne is horrible. I'm using Proactiv because it's listed as "safe" or rather there isn't enough research to say it's not safe. I have discovered there are some prescriptions that are safe during pregnancy so I'm debating calling my dermatologist for more information. I've trying to convince myself that its not really that horrible and I'm just being vain. Typically I'm tan all year round and acne fear thanks to birth control. Now, I feel like I'm 16 all over again.
I sleep a solid 9 hours during the week and 12 on the weekends at night. But I don't nap or feel exhausted a whole lot. And really haven't through out the pregnancy so far.
The boobs were tender and just felt heavy up until 6 weeks I suppose. Once the morning sickness kicked in, I think my mind didn't really register boob pain anymore. So I can't say that it's been an issue.
Weird pregnancy symptoms that I didn't even know were pregnancy symptoms? Metallic taste in the mouth? Ew. Stuffy nose. All-the-time. More discharge? Um, hi - pregnant here. Shouldn't that stop? But no, no it increases in pregnancy. Well, great. Panty liners every damn day.
Thanks to the Zofran, I'm keeping my prenatal vitamins down at night again so my hair and nails are rocking pretty.